Source code for sanic_validation.decorators

from sanic.response import json
from cerberus import Validator
from functools import wraps

JSON_DATA_ENTRY_TYPE = 'json_data_property'
QUERY_ARG_ENTRY_TYPE = 'query_argument'
REQ_BODY_ENTRY_TYPE = 'request_body'

[docs]def validate_json(schema, clean=False, status_code=400): '''Decorator. Validates request body json. When *clean* is true, normalized data is passed to the decorated method as *valid_json*. Args: schema (dict): Cerberus-compatible schema description clean (bool): should cleaned json be passed to the decorated method status_code (number): status code to return when data is incorrect ''' validator = Validator(schema) def vd(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): if request.json is None: return _request_body_not_json_response() validation_passed = validator.validate(request.json or {}) if validation_passed: if clean: kwargs['valid_json'] = validator.document return f(request, *args, **kwargs) else: return _validation_failed_response(validator, JSON_DATA_ENTRY_TYPE, status_code) return wrapper return vd
[docs]def validate_args(schema, clean=False, status_code=400): '''Decorator. Validates querystring arguments. When *clean* is True, normalized data is passed to the decorated method as *valid_args*. Args: schema (dict): Cerberus-compatible schema description clean (bool): should cleaned args be passed to the decorated method status_code (number): status code to return when data is incorrect ''' validator = Validator(schema) def vd(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): validation_passed = validator.validate(request.raw_args) if validation_passed: if clean: kwargs['valid_args'] = validator.document return f(request, *args, **kwargs) else: return _validation_failed_response(validator, QUERY_ARG_ENTRY_TYPE, status_code) return wrapper return vd
def _validation_failed_response(validator, entry_type, status_code=400): return json( { 'error': { 'type': 'validation_failed', 'message': 'Validation failed.', 'invalid': _validation_failures_list(validator, entry_type) } }, status=status_code) def _validation_failures_list(validator, entry_type): return [ _validation_error_description(error, entry_type) for error in _document_errors(validator) ] def _document_errors(validator): return _traverse_tree(validator.document_error_tree) def _traverse_tree(node): if not node.descendants: yield from node.errors for k in node.descendants: yield from _traverse_tree(node.descendants[k]) def _validation_error_description(error, entry_type): print(repr(error.schema_path)) return { 'entry_type': entry_type, 'entry': _path_to_field(error), 'rule': _rule(error), 'constraint': _constraint(error) } def _path_to_field(error): return '.'.join(map(str, error.document_path)) def _rule(error): return error.rule or 'allowed_field' def _constraint(error): if error.rule == 'coerce': return True return error.constraint or False def _request_body_not_json_response(): return json( { 'error': { 'type': 'unsupported_media_type', 'message': 'Expected JSON body.', 'invalid': [{ 'entry_type': REQ_BODY_ENTRY_TYPE, 'entry': '', 'rule': 'json', 'constraint': True }], } }, status=415)